Monday, November 16, 2009

My Dogs Love Apples & Bananas

It’s not uncommon for animals to like fruit, even though it seems odd. My 2 maltese love apples, strawberries and bananas. They are approximately 1 ½ years old. They seem to really like certain fruits and come running when I start cutting an apple. Fruit, now and then, instead of purchased treats seem to help in managing the larger ones’ weight. “Now and then” are the key words here. I don’t replace all snacks with fruit however I do bake my own dog treats. All dogs are different and I would ask a professional especially for senior dogs.

According to professionals, senior dogs need adequate protein and a little more fiber. I peel the apples to reduce the fiber since my maltese are very small dogs. Fiber is not considered an essential nutrient in the diets of cats and dogs, but it is present in almost every commercial pet diet. Natural antioxidants in pet foods contain Vitamin C. Vitamin E, vitamin C, citric acid, and rosemary are among the most commonly used natural antioxidants in pet foods. Vitamin C is provided by ingredients such as cranberries, blueberries, apples, and some other fruits. Dogs and cats do not derive any energy from fiber however improved colon health is a benefit of having fiber in the diet.

Some things that are really good for dogs are Blueberries (fresh or frozen), baby carrots, apple wedges (no seeds), bananas, melon, and pears. The ASPCA has a good list of people foods to avoid feeding your animals.

Pits from Peaches/Plums: Can cause obstruction of the digestive tract.

Grapes/Raisins: 10 cases reported to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), each dog ingested between 9 ounces and 2 pounds of grapes or raisins. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and lethargy.

Dogs can suffer kidney failure after eating of large quantities of grapes and raisins. The key words are "large quantities", and of course the size of your dog. The reported adverse responses to grapes and raisins are not from pets eating the occasional single grape or raisin. The cases of kidney failure involved ingestion of 2 ounces to 4.4 ounces of grapes/raisins.

Giving your dog 3-4 at a time could get you up to that 2 ounce limit.


Monday, May 4, 2009

To Kong or Not to Kong

Dogs can exhibit behaviors when they are pups that should be corrected so they live a happy, secure and anxiety free life. Puppies can chew for many reasons, whether they are just bored, teething, or anxious about being alone. There are many suggestions and they all require persistence, repetition and time. It’s natural for dogs to chew and most articles suggested redirection.

In an article by
Deb Duncan, a canine behaviorist suggests plenty of chew toys and an apple bitter spray. She encourages positive dog training by stressing to avoid getting upset when you find your dog has chewed on something they weren’t supposed to chew on. Similarly in an article by Ian Dunbar, animal behaviorist and dog trainer based in Berkeley, California, he encourages teaching the dog ‘how to entertain himself in your absence vs. punishment’. He suggests using ‘instant gratification’ and ‘passive training’. Fill a kong with treats that are difficult to get out and they will be more interested in getting the treat out of the hollow opening. Some dogs may not be as easily swayed. Something that the dogs like, such as cheese or peanut butter may be used to peek their interest in the toy if they seem uninterested. Ian suggests passive training such as confining them to an area away from the chewing location while redirecting their chewing. Some dogs are more stubborn than others. I had a behaviorist come out to visit my poodle when I was having issues with him digging in the potted plants, among other things. Because of his extreme case of separation anxiety he suggested blowing pepper in his face if catching him digging in the plants. He also suggested putting the pepper around the area to associate it with the object that is being destroyed encouraging him to stay away. The trainer also suggested hot sauce on his tongue when he was disciplined for tearing up the plants. The hot sauce didn’t work but the pepper was pretty affective.

Some dogs take longer than others to train. Most of the time they just need more activity. Our
 pet sitting services can help your dog(s) get more exercise.  With a little bit of persistence you can make sure that you and your dog can live together in harmony.

Pets Warehouse


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

While you were away

All of our pets, now matter how many, have unique personalities. We always like to try to catch them relaxing, playing or just sleeping.

From Movies